Aaron V. Owens


About Aaron

With a diverse business and investment portfolio encompassing insurance, education, professional development/coaching, consulting, apparel, janitorial services, bail-bonds, commercial/residential real estate, assisted living, trucking/logistics, and event planning/promotion, Aaron V. Owens is the textbook definition of a serial entrepreneur. Owens’ 30+ years of industrial knowledge coupled with an array of sage venture partnerships has spawned prolific companies such as ACANO Enterprise, Anchor Reliable Management Team, Education Ova Entertainment, C.A.N.N. Assisted Living, BART SLOM. Behind these business holdings lie Owens’ integral desire to provide for his family and burning passion to uplift his community. Above all, Aaron Owens is a LEGACY BUILDER. As you will often hear him say: “Life is not about what you have, but what you keep and pass on to the next generation.”

Aaron V. Owens was born in Annapolis, Maryland, to his parents John (Ike) and Evelyn Owens. After graduating from Anne Arundel County Public schools, Owens pursued a short-lived yet pivotal career as an electrician apprentice: a fine job for the summer but less suited for the unforgiving winter cold. One Friday in December as sub-20°F winds stiffened his fingers, Owens had a revelation. He knew he could not work in those conditions for the next 30-40 years of his life; and at lunch, he informed his friends on the job that one of them would be getting a promotion soon. The following Monday, he enrolled in community college, transferring to Morgan State University after three semesters and graduating from the latter institution with a degree in Sociology and Criminal Justice. In the beginning stages of his professional career, he held numerous positions in human services; however, his heart was always pulling him towards entrepreneurship. The birth of his first child encouraged him to break through the glass ceiling and start his journey as an enterpriser. With legacy building at the forefront of his mind, he quickly learned that merely passing down a job would not supply his children; he needed to build a lineage of opportunities willed through generations. At that, Aaron Owens founded ACANO Enterprise (the name an initialism for his children), a commercial concern structured to be a holding company for other businesses and the first major piece in his legacy building process.

Associated Brands

Arise Health logoThe Paak logoOE logo2020INC logo